Monday 22 February 2010

Fashion to Date
Stephanie Burns 2010
Anothee Henry Matisse inspired illustration.
Breaking Glass
Stephanie Burns 2010
Just another experiment..........

Breaking Glass
Stephanie Burns 2010
The colours I have used create a really unusual, quirky outcome. This illustration is my favourite out of this selection. Theres something about it, its different. What does anyone else think?

Breaking Glass
Stephanie Bunrs 2010

Continueing to manipulate colours............

(Selecting these colours from my original collage drawn from)
Breaking Glass
Stephanie Burns 2010
A simple line drawing using ink and pen, which I later began to experiment with, using colour.

A Frock of a Button
Stephanie Burns 2010

 Thee Art behind the Text
Stephanie Burns 2010

What is Art?
Is it the creation of something beautiful?
Is it of a meaning?
Does it consist or lack ideas?
Can U learn it?
Is it a superior skill that you can learn, from observation or study?
Is it born?
Does it represent passion?
Is it whatever you want it to be?
Is it a representation?
Is it a collection of memorys, a way to never forget
Does it have the power to retain or recall past experience (Almost like an electronic memory device)
Is it a story?
Can it be read?

Henry Matisse Inspired
Stephanie bunrs 2010

Henry Matisse
Blue Print Drawing
Matisse was the inspiration behind the stylised set of illustrations created from drawings from my collage. I really like his style, the way he sugests a figure with the use of simple shapes. I also like the exageration of the shapes.

Stephanie Burns 2010

MAUDELLA Buttons with a Dress
Stephanie Burns

Continuing to play with colour............

MAUDELLA Button with a Dress
Stephanie Burns 2010

A simple line drawing of the one previous, simplified in order to create a more stylise Illustration. The application of colour can sometimes be the making.
Stephanie Burns 2010
If any one has any sugestions, ideas or even criticism they will be much appreciated and would contribute in developing a successful set of illustrations.

 Postcard Illustrations

Postcard Illustration
Stephanie Burns 2010
During a 2 week project called 'Postcard Collage', (collages shown in; 'Collage  Illustration' Page on Blog), I created 30 postcard sized collages, collected from a variety of sources, combining even drawing with the originals. I then began to draw from each collage using the collage as sort of a template in order to develop a set of illustrations from. I created a set of illustrations aswell as a set of postcards, this gave me a real good body of work of which I may iclude some of, within my porfolio.

A Classroom with some Perspective

Book Sale and a Book Workshop

This workshop consisted of a selection of books, found in a jumble sale. The only instructions being to do something, What that may be was of my own choice.
Another Peter Arkle inspied Design
The same illustration as the one upploaded previous, simply edited in order to express my idea of Dystopia.
My idea being to portray Utopian imagery, expressing this ideal world, but to express it using dark styles, in order to represent the dark side of this world. Well really to express it in its own light, its true colours as one might say.
Peter Arkle inspired Design
Arkle has been a point of inspiration throughout many projects. I find his ideas and style fascinating. I used the idea of creating my illustration as if brainstormed, illustrating many different aspects of the story, illustrating Brave new World. Also combining it with text and ideas like Arkle. Both the combination of text and illustrations sit really well together.

Clone 202

I decided to use th idea of clones. Everyone of the same similarity. Each set Whether an Alpha or a Gamma Girl taught to act the same as the next. The Hive still at full buzz even whilst sleeping, with the use of hypnopeadic speech. I thought that using stickmen to represent these was the best way out of many suggestions to represent the idea. It also has quite a contemporary outcome.

The four colours (Mulberry, Karki, Black and Leaf Green) used to represent the babies in the bottle were selected from the book Brave New World, which obviously is the inspiration behind this set. I selected it from the sets of citizens associated with Brave New World. Each selection engineered to fill each particular role destined. Alpha, Beta-Minuses, Epsilons, Delta- Minuses and Gamma Girls . (Not forgetting the Semi- Morons who are the misfits, functioning not as expected, well controlled to do so). Who were going to be sent to Iceland, an Island where one may think for themselves, an Island not consisting of Control and Power, an Island where one may do as one pleases. Doesnt sound too bad to me.

Sunday 21 February 2010

CD Design Layout
Brave New World and Bottle Grown Babies

Just beginning to experiment with tpeface in order to develop one set of desings for porfolio :s
Any ideas will be much appreciated.

I simply selected letters from my typeface in order to create the title. I think the use of different styles of typography collected and combined together in order to create one, creates a really interesting use of text to illustarte with.
I will now begin to experiment with this text creating many different possible ideas.

Monday 1 February 2010


Typography - Newspaper Typeface
Whilst reading the daily newspaper I noticed the variety of different typeface it contained. From my analysis I created this use of typography directly reflected from it. I sketched each letter individuallly creating a real interesting, quite vague style of typography which I will definatley continue to use within further work

Oh, 'BRAVE NEW WORLD', That has such people in it!
In a world where everything is avalible nothing has any meaning

Illustration Designs
I decided to experiment with the idea of stickmen, as i think  they express the citizens of Brave New World really well. Not only the repitition, but even their personality. I mean a world were everyone is born to play their role. I world where everyone is the same.

Handmade layout Design*

Handmade Layout Design
Im just continuing to figure out the most successful way in order to present this CD,
Im still working on it though. I think this is my most successful layout idea as yet and am pleased with the my ongoing project.

Quite a conventional CD Layout Design
By the end of this project I hope to achieve a set of CD designs, in order to promote a conmplimentry Disc for Brave New World

Brave New World

 A complete inspiration from the book, 'Swiss Graphic Design'. A quite fascinating exploration of Art
(Russian Constructivism, Boho, Swiss Design)

Just a new computer manipulated design. In order to show my knowledge and responce from the book read I decided to use a lot of text within my illustrations, allowing it to be directly taken from the book. I think this is definatley the right direction to take and will continue with this idea throughout this project.
Brave New World
Illustrating Ideas Nick Bell inspired
Brave New World


Im currently undertaking a project, called, 'Brave New World', based on a book by Aldous Huxley.