Bed Time Stories

Bed Time Stories

Peter Arkle
Arkle is a fabulous illustrator, an illustrator of today, its always important to know whats in and what isnt; as Illustration is a fast moving, competitive area in the World of Art. I have usd Arkle as a point of influence continually throughout projects. I find his work really intriguing, from his choice of layout to his application of colour. His work resembles something of a brainstorm, with his combination of image and text, each flowing one to the next.

Dont forget the Bacon
Just another childhood memory. Bed time stories, seem so long ago, but yet my memory of this story by Pat Hutchins seem so vivid

Dont Forget the Bacon
Just a few slides from my contempory version of the old time book, 'Dont Forget the Bacon'

Dont forget the Bacon

Liverpool and a view
Heres quite a stylised replica of Liverpools very famous skyline