Wednesday 21 April 2010

During my last day in London I visited the National Portrait Gallery which was good and the National Museum. Both werent very benificial for me or my project, but it was interesting.

Documenting my visit

Here are a few photographs I took whilst in London.

Tate Britain
I thought Tate Modern was much better, if I am honest. It was great though. I mean it is not everyday you get to see the work of Lucien Freud, first hand, is it.

Just a trip to the Capital
London exceeded all expectations. It was absoloutley amazing, I dont know what else to say. It is the place to be really.

                                                               Tate Modern
London exceeded all expectations. It was absoloutley amazing, I dont know what else to say. It is the place to be really. Oh My God the Tate, it was huge, I lost everybody. It was amazing though, there was just so much there. I came across some brilliant artists, I've documented everything within my diary.

Alan Fletcher
50 Years of Graphic Work
Cube, ( Manchester)

Great exhibition. It triggered a lot of ideas. I'm thinking to do something with typography now.
The Whitworth Gallery ( University of Manchester)
Walls are talking Art and Culture

This exhibition was sugested to me by a tutor back at John moores. I found it really interesting and feel it will be really benificial for my project. As throughout this project I intend to thoroughly explore Printmaking. This exhibition triggered many ideas as  I also intend to design and create wallpaper for my final show based on this project.
Continuing to research really and keeping a note of everthing in my personal diary. I will continue to upload research if and when I use the inspiration within my work.

I am now researching appropiate Gallerys to explore, in order to influence my work.