Monday 29 March 2010

Lucinda Rogers

Billie Jean
Back to the Old School
Ballpoint Exhinbition

I contiued to research in order to inspire myself and hopefully trigger ideas. The following forms of research were found in the Picture Book. This was a great book I borrowed off my tutor. I think I will actually purchase one myself.
Rui Tenreiro
Great Fairytales
Part 4; Quests and Riddles

Pietari Posti
Greta Fairytales
Part 5; Wisdom and Folly

Pietari Posti
Great Fairytales
Part 5; Wisdom and Folly

Laura Barrett
Great Fairytales
Part 1; Wicked Parents

Artist research.
Still researching. Probably continue to do so throughout really. The following illustrators I came across in 'Great Fairytales', a series of Books collected each week from the Guardian, (series of 5, each illustrated by different artists). I began to analze each visually, with the simple idea of tracing paper layerd over the artists illustrations, (idea taken from brave New World).

Friday 26 March 2010

Been researching all day. Watched the film again aswell, just continueing to analyse it really just incase I missed anything.

It so happens that I did, I missed the mention of a book, which could be vital in my research of the 7 deadly sins. It is called Donte's Inferno just about to find out a little about it as I speak.

Thursday 25 March 2010

A great exhibition was sugested to me by my tutor, in  'Cube'. It is a Graphic Design exhibition, which is really interesting as you don't really come across an exhibition which is purely Graphic Design. The exhibition is a retrospective of Britians most celebrated Graphic Designer, 'Alan Fletcher'. I'm Looking forward to exploring his work, hopefully it may trigger some ideas.

Another exhibition I found was also sugested to me by a tutor called ' Walls are talking, Art and Culture', which is situated in the Whitworth Art Gallery. This exhibition is a combination of 30 artists work.

The Whitworth is also in Manchester like Cube, so it would make sense if I went to both on the same day.

Another two gallerys I will explore is 'CUC' - Cntrl Alt shift unmasks corruption and 'Walker Art Gallery' -John Moores prize winners 1957-2006. Which are both situated in Liverpool.

Still researching, I swear ive searched every web, every link, every gallery.

I have began to look at different exhibitions, currently on to visit. Anyone any ideas.
Some Ideas from Film, 'Se7en'

Typography- Cretae my own fonts
- Use The work of Kyle Cooper to inspire me ( he created the opening credits for Se7en)
Animation  - Play with sound

Characters - One representing each sin
                  - Use each characters description selected by John Doe (killer)
                  - Use characters in animation

Selecting one idea and totally exhaust it; Experiment
                                                             Explore medias
                                                             Try everything, (any idea at all)
                                                             Create an intense body of work to represent each Sin

Look into Death/ Hell as a main theme ( unsure about this though as it has been done so many times before)

Police fingerprinting (crime) - Link to children (fingerpainting)

Just some notes and ideas from analyzing the film.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

What a brilliant film. However I wouldn't personally define it as a thriller, I think it is more of a horror. My hairs where standing on end the whole time. It made me feel really nervous. I never expected the twist at the end though. I mean the Killer constantly spoke of his masterpiece, you would think he would have completed it himself. Great twist though. I thought I had the film sussed from the beginning, but never anticipated the outcome.

The film was intersting to follow, it triggered many ideas.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

"> Heres a short trailer of thriller, 'Se7en', reccomended to me by a tutor.Its a starting point really. I'm going to watch and analyze it and hopefully trigger some ideas. Right off to watch it, hopefully i'll be back with some ideas.
Another brainwave, am thinking to do something with the idea; 'everyone is a sinner'.
What are the 7 deadly sins in latin and what do they mean?

Laziness, Sadness, Apathy, Idleness, and wastefullness of time

Treachery, Covetousness, Excessive unneccessary acquisition of wealth, Not giving to the needy, Wanting more than you orriginally posess

Waste, overindulgence, unreasonable or unecessary excess of consumption, (food, drink and drugs)

Jelousy, Malice

Fornication, perversion, Unlawful sexual desire, such as desiring sex with a person outside of marriage, 'Excessive love of others', ( which reduces the love that one person should be giving to God)

Anger, Hatred, Prejudice, Discrimination

Vanity, Narcissism

Final Majour Project

Well I have just begun my FMP and have so many ideas.
-Whilst creating my Hope illustration for John Moores Univerity I had a sudden brainwave to use the 7 Deadly Sins as my theme.

I am not too sure yet, what exactly I am going to do with this as a theme, but I suppose that is a good thing, as I always say, 'what is the point in exploring a subject, already planned out when you know the outcome'. So anyway am thinking CHARACTERS. A Character illustrating each Sin. Lets not settle on the idea though, am going to explore a little first.

Monday 22 March 2010

Here is my final illuatration for JMU. This illustration depicts noise and was inspired by the work of Roy Lichenstein. I was a bit worried about this illustration as a final outcome. Originally, the drawing had no focal point, so when later edited on Photoshop, i decided to improve the drawing with the use of colour. I did this by allowing the word WHAAM to become the focal point, forcing everything else into the background.

Saturday 20 March 2010


I'm not happy with this design at all really. I think the ideas there but its just not working for me. I need to develop a new idea and quick. Ive only got until monday. I'm just hoping for some kind of brainwave to present it self.

Friday 19 March 2010

Illustrations for John Moores University


I've recently applied for John Moores Univerity and just recieved an interview. They have requested 3 different illustrations. The three words I have been asked to illustrate is: Hope, Noise and Balance. Apart from being given the words in which my illustrations are to be based upon, im pretty much free to do as I please. I think ill do something along the lines of typography.

I came across this idea in one of my previous illustrations in responce to Brave New World. I think the newspaper article layout works really well. The layout is definatley the strongest feature of the illustration. I'm not sure about the colours really as black and white isnt a very appealing way to illustrate hope. Looking back at it, I do not know the reason that I instinctivly sugested a monochromatic palette.