Tuesday 18 May 2010

Se7en Final Designs
I continued to put my designs together. I am really pleased with the result. Each design stands alone, reperesenting each sin, however still hold the personality of print; all being so similar but so different.

I am going to continue with the idea of combining digital with print, inspired by Lino Manocci. If my idea, goes to plan and everything is a success I should end up with an interesting set of designs. But print isn't very reliable, neither predictable, so I dont know what I will end up with really. My idea is to allow these designs to stand on there own, however then take off a few selected layers using Photoshop, and print all remaining digiatlly on A3. I will then screen print the layers removed onto the digital A3 prints.

I honestly dont know what I will end up with but am anxious to find out. I think it could go either way, disastorous or brilliant and I really dont know which.

 I dont know whether the print will sit with the digital print? Whether they will compliment eachother? How they will work together?







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